About Me
PCHell.com is my passion. It started out as a way for me to track solutions and answers to common problems that I ran across every day as a computer consultant. Soon, it began to take on a life of its own and become a fairly popular page on the Internet about how to solve your computer issues. It maintains very high search engine visibility and has become a authority site on a number of topics.
However, not everything I run across in my consulting business warrants a page on PCHell.com. So I came up with the idea of PC Hell Daily. A brief summary of problems I encounter on a day to day basis and how I solved them. Kind of like a Daily Newspaper of my visits to hell and back working with computers.
Hopefully, you’ll find my daily (or a least weekly) summaries helpful in your quest to solve your own computer problems.
You’ll notice in the right hand column links to my Top 10 most popular articles on PC Hell. This list will be updated monthly.
Thanks for reading,
Mark Hasting